Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Any Prayer Warriors Out There?

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"In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:6

"Stop telling God how big your storm is...
Instead tell your storm how big your GOD is."
Author unknown

There are many of us who need to be reminded that God is in control and has a plan. For our family, His plan has yet to unfold and Satan is working overtime to encourage us to focus on our circumstances instead of on the strength of our God.

Right now, we are very, very concerned about the likelihood of our being united with a relatively healthy child under the age of 4. The latest news out of Kiev certainly isn't encouraging. It's so hard to understand why so many of us have spent hours upon our knees praying, a significant amount of money, and traveled half-way across the world just to reach a dead-end road.

For us, the decision to adopt was made after a lot of prayer - did I mention A LOT of prayer. We earnestly prayed that God would direct us as to which country we should pursue, and all around us doors closed and we were directed to Ukraine (just to name a few of our "wake-up and listen to Me moments": from Ukrainian clients walking into my office, to our nurse practitioner having worked in Ukraine's orphanages, to episodes of Mr. Roger's that educated us about Ukraine). As horrible as our in-country experiences were last November, we are ready to return for our child.

The constant not knowing and no news is horrible. Friends and family try to be sympathetic but most really don't get it because they are familiar with programs like China and Guatemala and can't seem to grasp that the SDA meeting is a gamble because you never know what to believe and if the referral will be a match. We have good weeks and bad weeks - last week was busy and not a lot of time was available to think about the adoption. This week we haven't received very positive information about the current process and referrals available, and to top things off, Ashton wants his sister - badly.

How do we keep explaining to Ashton (he is almost 3 1/2) that God will bring him his sissy when the time is right? How do you console a sobbing little boy who is earnestly stating that he wants his sissy and that he loves her? It is heart wrenching to hear him poor his little heart out to God asking Him to bring his sissy to America. We have talked to Ashton and explained that God loves Julianna (that's the name we have at least temporarily picked-out) and that He is protecting her. We don't know what else to do, and it is killing us to see how affected he is by the grueling process.

One thing that is amazing about the Internet is that it brings together people from all over the world who are facing the same or very similar situations. I feel as if many of us have become prayer warriors for each other. I would like to say thank you to each and every person who is praying for our family. Please pray specifically that we can have peace about this situation and that God will move in a mighty way in Ukraine. We are dealing with the decision to stay in the program or pull-out all together. Our hearts tell us that God can still perform miracles and that our child is waiting in Ukraine, however our minds tell us that we've taken about all we can stand and that there are other options out there for adoption. Please pray for direction for us.

Sometimes it helps to know who is out there praying, so if you don't mind, please post a comment so that we'll know we aren't alone. Also, your comments will help us to pray specifically for your family if you too are riding this adoption roller coaster.

Thank you.


Dave said...

We're certainly praying for you. I can't imagine how hard it must be to see Ashton hurting as well. We are also trying to decide whether we're to wait or move on. God will give us all wisdom. And in the meantime, He's producing fruit in us that we'll appreciate some day.
Continuing to hope in the Lord with you!

Mama to 2 Ukrainians! said...

Our dossier was submitted Mar 12 and so we're waiting to hear our travel date. Our daughter prays for her little brother and she will likely be in your son's shoes when we get there. Remembering you to the Father! Hang On!

Kathy and Matt said...

I'm glad you posted an update and I appreciate knowing the specific ways we can pray for your family.

Please know you have been in our prayers and will continue to be.

One positive way I was able to cope with the down times during our process was to praise God for using them to make me more dependent and draw me closer to Him. God blessed me incredibly by working on me in this way during the 2.5 years we waited to adopt - I stopped believing that I was in control and truly, TRULY knew that only He was in control and His plan was unfolding.

Praying with you...

The Isbell Crew said...

I am praying for you and your family and the children of Ukraine who are the 'victims' of all the politics. It is SO SAD that there are so many 'details' that prevent good people from these kids. We left the Ukraine program (before we traveled). You can still love those kids, pray for those kids, but sometimes we have to accept that God's plans are not OUR plans. It HURTS!! I am sorry for all you are going through-- I feel like it is the same as losing a baby. People who have not been where you are probably wouldn't agree, but it is a loss-- I pray God gives you PEACE. One thing that has helped me is to acknowledge to God that I am incapable of "understanding" and I have stopped asking for understanding. I have prayed a lot for PEACE and ACCEPTANCE. He has given that to us. God is ALWAYS faithful and as His children, he DESIRES for us to be HAPPY! Don't forget that- God has GOOD planned for you and your family, He is just waiting on His perfect timing to let you in on His plan.
Praying for you and your decisions,

Sarah B. said...

Dear Jason & Erica & precious Ashton ~ We are standing with you in prayer as well. My heart hurts for you guys.
Sarah & family

Kirk, KayLynn, & Kelby said...

I'm so sorry for the disapionting news. We also tried adopting from Ukraine. We could not take the pressure and bailed. We changed course and adopted domestic. We now have the most wonderful little boy in the whole world. Disapointments sometimes/almost always turn into blessings. Don't give up hope and leave your options open.
God Bless
@ http://adoption-quest.spaces.live.com