Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ashton's Bombshell

On our way home from church tonight, Ashton said something that really broke my heart. He stated, "Mommy love Sissy more." I could have cried - actually, I did. We have been very open with Ashton about the adoption process and how he is going to have a new sibling. He typically does pretty well and can even point to Ukraine on the map. I never expected Ashton to make a statement of that nature. We love him so much and always dote on him. I just can't imagine how horrible it is going to be to be separated from him for such a long period of time. When he gets ready to go to bed at night, he says that he needs his Mommy and he needs his Daddy - what's he going to think when we are gone? I only wish he could comprehend how much he is truly loved!

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