Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Last Days in Kyiv

We are spending our last two days in Kyiv just exploring the city. It is an absolutely beautiful city. There is a huge underground mall that is very easy to get lost inside of - trust us, we've gotten turned around quite a few times. It seems like we are going to the market quite frequently for water - that's where we are headed next. We are trying to keep our groceries to a minimum (mostly water, bread, and ham). We did buy one bag of chips that we thought were barbeque but ended-up being bacon flavored - quite tasty, a shame that they are not marketed by Lays in the US.

We blend-in pretty well until we open our mouths and speak. We have learned to walk fast and plow ahead with the rest of the people walking around the street and in the tunnels under the roads. It is really neat how people have twins across the world. Yesterday, we saw a man who looked like Bud Miller walking across the road from TGI Fridays. At the orphanage, the senior medical assistant looked, walked, and had mannerisms just like Christy Moore who used to attend Northside. We both looked at each other and smiled when seeing these people because we were thinking the same thing - twins across the world!

Now, off to find some lunch and back to the apartment. I am totally out of books to read, so I'll be ready to head to the library when I get back home. Jason has found a channel that is totally in Ukrainian but shows scary murder movies - he is fascinated with the shows and has been watching the channel for going on 2 days now.

Oh, Jason isn't feeling very well today, so please pray for him. It has been cold here, so I think he is getting a cold.

Have a great Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

I am glad you're making the best of the trip. Don't worry, things will work themselves out.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jason and Erica! I know Ashton will be ready to see you guys on Thursday night as well as you all will be ready to see familiar faces! I'm praying for your safe return to America. Remember, God knows what's best and your child wasn't ready yet! Keep the faith and have a great Thanksgiving with your family.
Love, Allyson and Kevin

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